Monday, December 3, 2012

Your Braces Ticker! (To Know How Long Since You got Your Braces on)

Hi again,

         Lady in braces was just check on info about braces. Then she finds A way to know how long since you get on/off your braces. WoW!

Look at mine !, it looks so nice !

I will learn you how to make ticker with follow that:

1- Enter this site, Then choose Event.

2- Enter the date which you got on braces ,Then enter what do you like to see in your ticker ( I entered "I got my braces on" you can write what you like),also choose the time in your area from Time Zone Adjustment.Then click next..

3- Then select your ticket ruler. There are many of them they are colorful and super fun just choose the one you like and click next.

4- Do the same again to choose the slider.

5- Congratulations! now you have your own braces ticker.

 Use it where you want, make sure to save it. And save the Direct Image URL in your mail drafts to don't lose it.

 Enjoy It ! ;)

Lady In Braces!


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