Sunday, December 2, 2012

I Got My Braces!

   I Got My Braces!

 Hi everybody, this me a lady in braces!

      I got braces on yesterday morning, and I'm really excited to share you my treatment from very early beginning. Cause actually if you just had your braces you'll feel that change from first couples of houres. Also, to learn how to deal with will make this easiest to live with it for next months,years,etc.. or for  me it'll be a year and half as my orthodontist said.

       First thing,  You need to preparing before you go to get on braces. If you have an appointment in the morning you have sleep early, because it will take one hour at most. And you must be awake to follow your orthodontist instructions to make the process easier and even finish faster.

      Sometimes your orthodontist will place in spacer between your teeth "I don't know if everyone had it", but it is a tiny elastic that are placed in between your teeth. It helps to create space for placing bands. In my case I putted it for three days before I got my braces. It was worst step cause it was hurting me even with medicine, I did feel pressure more than pain but that just gone when my orthodontist take it off.

<<look to the pic

    However, it didn't comes out with me, but it can comes out. My orthodontist told me to come back to clinic just day before if it came out. But I think you can just replace it by thread two paces of floss between your spacer, stretch it and place it back!. Keep looking to your orthodontist when he works and you can learn many things which will help you. Things that you can do with out tools. But make sure to make it gently. Also it's better to call him back before you try any new thing. I was carefull when I was brushing my teeth even I didn't floss between that teeth which had spacer So I didn't need to to deal with any that things at all, the only thing I was dealing with that to don't lose patience.

       Ok, Before I went there I had been taking a analgesic "the same one which I taking when I feel headache" as my orthodontist said to me in my last visit to stop spacer pain. But I think if you take ibuprofen before you go will be better than use any drugs also I think that will keep you feel less pain in your first braces hours.

     Anyway, when you get your braces on you'll not feel pain, maybe some pressure when you get bands " I felt some pain cause space between my teeth didn't been enough even after spacer! ", but my great orthodontist "Dr.Ammar" deals with that, I didn't asked him what he did cause I realy trust him but I don't know what they called that, I think he just polished my tooth gently to make some more space. Then there are no pain until one to two houres after you putted on. When you go out your clinic you feel that something push your teeth and it'll be painful.

      Will, Dr. Ammar told me that will be somthing like someone holding my mouth, it's kind of. he had suggested to take analgesic if I feel pain and he also said that will be just for first three days, and if I feel hard pain " which you can hold it anymore" then I have to just visit him again. He gave me some wax. Also he learned me how to brush my teeth. Which will be very very important to care of your teeth during your treatment to get better result and to just take it off on time.

"Just look for my next post to see how I just deal with first day pain, what to eat and more tricks to make you live with your braces."

     One more thing, I just want to tell about, that my lips really got dry after put on my braces. I have to care more about that now, However .. I think it'll be better if you just put on lip balm before you go to put it, also take it with you to use it agian after that.

 I wish that was helpfull, keep looking! I'll learn you how to stop first time pain..

   Lady In Braces!   


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